Permanent Hair Remover Lotion Lahore,Karachi,Pakistan

Permanent Hair Remover Lotion


duct For Boys And G
irls Specially For Girls that are rejected by other products . We assure you That it will Show You better result in 3 to 4 days….. No Side Effect 100 % result … 100 % money back Guaranty .. In Very Reason Able Price .Order Now from all over Pakistan .


It reduces the concentration of nutrients at the base of the follicle – the place where hair growth starts. This causes miniaturisation of the root so that the hair becomes progressively thinner and softer. The effect is similar to the onset of male pattern baldness. The root is starved of essential nutrients and stops growing. Now, weekly or daily hair removal for men and women can be gradually eliminated.


After wax or thread your hair apply Permanent Hair remover Lotion on recomended part of the skin and wait when its dry again apply Lotion .. Repeat this Five time , and leave this for 3 to 4 hour after wash with fresh water . Best at night . Repeat this procedure Five Nights .

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